Aug 16, 2017

The Artist P. Buckley Moss has a unique perspective of the world.  One of the things most fascinating about her (and there are many things) is her remarkable memory for details. If you ask her what inspires her to paint she will tell you that the world is rich with details. I have been to her studios through out the years and have seen first hand the sketches on paper, tissues, napkins, envelopes….tiny pieces of visual notes to be expanded upon when she finds herself alone with only brush and canvas.

On my first visit to one of Pat’s painting studios, I was in aw of just how much artwork I saw there. There was artwork everywhere! I saw stacks of paintings piled high on her tables and cabinets in no particular order, several paintings at the ready on her drawing table and I gasped when I saw how many were just laying on the floor. The day I visited, she even had a large painting under a see-through mat on the floor. I was considering each drawing or watercolor a treasured piece of artwork to be protected while Pat seemed to have to spread them all out to get a feel for what would inspire her next. Propped against the windows were paintings in upright position in different stages of completion; large pieces and small pieces positioned so she could glance their way and envision how to finish what she had started.  When asked, “Which piece do you work on next?”, she answered, “I rarely know when I walk in my studio each morning what I will work on. I look around me at all the unfinished paintings and I know when one calls me, that will be the painting I work on that day”.