On any day in Waynesville, there are visitors that come in the gallery with smiles for the art and curiosity about the treasures inside such a colorful place. One day last week I had a most unusual and delightful visitor who brightened my day and now I hope will brighten yours.
While working at the back of the gallery a young man and his mother walked in and started looking intently at the artwork. I greeted them and struck up a conversation about the pieces they were looking at together. I was curious about their day in Waynesville and asked how the visit was so far, thinking the boy would come back with a negative response since a day walking around was not anything like video games with friends. To my surprise, his face lit up when I asked about their visit and he said, “This is a great place! I love coming here!”
Pleasantly surprised, I asked what he liked most about Waynesville. He responded that he loved art, but that he was also excited to visit all the antique stores. Hmmm, I thought. Here is a ten-year-old boy who loves art and antiques?!
“So, young man,” I said in surprise. “What do you love about antique stores?”
He thought for a moment and began to tell me how much he loved seeing things from so many years ago. He loved looking at all the tools, toys, and treasures of an antique store and imagining how they were used and who may have used them.
“Well,” I said with a big smile. “It is a rare person indeed who truly appreciates the value of a good antique!”
Before I could continue, he and his mom started telling me how much they liked so many of the P Buckley Moss prints and originals in the gallery. They were astounded at the different styles and subjects but as I suspected, the print they were the most excited about was Turquoise Treasure which features a standing cat, with such a playful attitude that happened to be painted turquoise. But then it wouldn’t be a cat if it didn’t have an attitude, right?
I too am a huge fan of our Turquoise Cat. It is one print almost everyone comments on when they peruse our gallery. And I just love that old art lovers and younger new ones just love how this wonderfully simple and colorful piece can make you smile, even on the gloomiest of winters days!
They walked around and asked questions about certain pieces that caught their eye. Before we knew it, they were mindful of the time and wanted to get outside to continue their planned day in town. Before they left, I asked if he was “On the Hunt” for any antiques in particular and he looks up at me with a big smile and said, “Of course! I collect Pez dispensers.” The gleam in his eye brought a smile to my face and we talked about his Pez collection, although he was quick to point out that it was not technically a real collection since he only had about 100 of these candy dispensers.
OK, only 100?! I leaned in closer and told him that anytime you have 100 of any one category of items…it would definitely have to be considered a collection! He smiled and looked up at his mom with pride. But now he had me quite curious.
I asked him more about the tiny candy dispensers and he told me that he would expect to pay around $15 to $25 for one of the old Pez dispensers if he was lucky enough to spot one in any of our antique malls. “The really early ones are worth thousands of dollars,” he told me. Who knew?
Without blinking an eye he said, “My 1979, Tweety Bird!”
“So,” I continued. “What is your absolute favorite Pez dispenser from your collection at home?”
Without blinking an eye he said, “My 1979, Tweety Bird!”
Of course, it was!
He made sure to also tell me how much he enjoyed the artwork of P. Buckley Moss. He and his mom promised to come back when they had a bit more time to learn more about her and all the beautiful artwork. They both agreed that coming into the gallery was a delightful surprise and a reason they would return again. I made him promise to return with his 1979 Tweety so I could see what I missed from back in the day and made a mental note to keep an eye out for “Pez” dispensers when I get around to cleaning my basement.
As they headed out the door, I stopped and looked around the gallery. Through the eyes of a ten-year-old, I was seeing the fun and magic that art brings into our everyday life. I glanced at the turquoise cat and gave her a wink. There is something for everyone!
He made my day and I was so very happy they would come to Waynesville to walk around and just enjoy new experiences as a family. That is what life is all about–exploring, learning, and setting out on a “hunt!”
Art can be so fun!
Canada Goose Gallery
See Turquoise Treasure
See other prints