Tag Archive for: Paintings

Original Art – P Buckley Moss Horse Watercolor Paintings


The horse is a symbolic image that has been incorporated in the works of many artists throughout the history of art. Contemporary artists like P. Buckley Moss are no exception. Moss has long included the image of the horse as part of her visual repertoire and iconography.


In art the horse represents nobility, grace and strength. In ancient times, it was often a symbol for the spoils of war and it was viewed as a mystical or spiritual being. An entire month of the Chinese Zodiac is dedicated to the horse with characteristics of chivalry, practicality, love, devotion and stability. The Celtic people saw the horse as a symbol of fertility, victory, long life and wealth. The Romans attributed the qualities of power and honor to the horse.

Moss’ horses represent a spirit of freedom characterized by flaring nostrils and flowing manes. Most of her horses are painted as individuals in a full frontal position looking eye to eye at the observer.



The horse depicted is painted in a modernist style and not the realistic depictions that many assume is the style-mark of art. This image is characterized by Moss’ line work producing a very organic looking image.  The lines appear as branches working throughout the image.  The golden color represents spiritual wealth and abundance.

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