“The Snowman – Plate” is the eighth plate in the beloved annual Christmas Plate Series by P. Buckley Moss, produced in 1991. This charming holiday scene, hand-crafted in Bavaria, West Germany, depicts a joyful winter day filled with playful fun. At the center of the artwork is a smiling snowman adorned with a striped scarf and hat, surrounded by children engaging in a lively snowball fight. The peaceful countryside setting, complete with a picturesque church in the background, adds to the nostalgic and festive atmosphere of this limited-edition collectible.
The plate’s soft winter tones of blue, white, and pastel accents beautifully contrast with the vibrant red scarf and the children’s winter clothes, creating a warm, heartwarming holiday mood. The detailed rendering of the snowman and the joyful expressions on the children’s faces capture the essence of Christmas magic and the simple joys of winter.
This Christmas plate is produced by Anna Perenna using true hard-paste porcelain with a hard-glazed finish, ensuring its durability and preserving the beauty of the design for years to come. The plate is part of a limited edition of 7,500, making it a valuable and cherished collectible. Each plate is boxed and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity, verifying its place in this exclusive series.
For decorative purposes only, “The Snowman” is perfect for holiday displays or as a treasured addition to any P. Buckley Moss collection. Its nostalgic and festive theme makes it an ideal gift for collectors and holiday enthusiasts.
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