The Canada Goose
“The Canada Goose” by P. Buckley Moss is a rare and unique print capturing a historic scene deeply rooted in the rich heritage of Waynesville, Ohio. This print pays tribute to the Miami Monthly Meeting House, built in 1811, which is one of the oldest continuously attended religious buildings west of the Allegheny Mountains. The Meeting House holds a special place in the history of Quakerism in Ohio, having served as a place of worship for Quakers (also known as Friends) since the early 1800s.
The print showcases the simplicity of the Meeting House’s architecture, nestled among tall, leafless trees, which subtly frame the scene and evoke a sense of peace and solitude. In the foreground stands a solitary Canada Goose, symbolic of the enduring presence and resilience of this natural setting, as well as perhaps a nod to the spirit of perseverance held by the Quakers in their devotion to freedom, simplicity, and equality. The peaceful presence of the goose complements the Meeting House’s purpose as a sanctuary for silent worship and reflection.
Quakers originally came to Waynesville due to their staunch opposition to slavery. By gathering in simple log cabins and eventually constructing this Meeting House, the Quakers in Waynesville established a foundation of freedom and equality, values that continue to be reflected in their gatherings today. Friends’ Meetings, held in this historic Meeting House, still uphold the 350-year-old tradition of silent worship without a presiding pastor, priest, or minister, allowing each individual to connect directly with the divine.
P. Buckley Moss masterfully captures this heritage with her distinctive, minimalist style, giving the viewer a sense of the timeless tranquility that the Meeting House embodies. This rare print, not widely available in most galleries, is a valuable addition for collectors interested in American history, Quaker heritage, or Moss’s depictions of serene landscapes and historic buildings.
Rare Art Print
Includes a Certificate of Authenticity. (See FAQs)
Image size: 8-1/4 x 8-1/2 inches. Paper Size: 13-1/4 x 13-1/2 inches.
Edition size: 1000 prints with 25 signed and numbered artist proofs.
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