October Bouquet


October Bouquet


October Bouquet

  • October Bouquet by American artist, P. Buckley Moss.
  • Description: This stunning art print features a vibrant floral arrangement bursting with colors of tangerine and yellow-gold flowers, light green accents of the greenery, set against a contrasting background of blushing pinks mixed with a touch of mauve and lavender. The bold and lively hues of the flowers combined with the punch from the black centers of the flowers and container, create a striking contrast against the background, adding a sense of drama and sophistication to the piece. The intricate details and delicate petals of the flowers are beautifully captured, infusing the artwork with a sense of natural beauty and elegance. This captivating composition is sure to bring a pop of color and a touch of nature into any space, making it a perfect addition to your art collection. The style is so typically the style of Pat Buckley Moss as she paints nature like to other artist.
  • A Giclee limited edition print on paper which provides vibrant colors and texture.
  • Giclee is a fine art process using the highest quality printing from P. Buckley Moss artwork.
  • This signed and numbered, limited edition print is from an edition which has been recorded by the artist.
  • Each print includes a certificate of authenticity.
  • Certificates are embossed with our exclusive Canada Goose Gallery seal.
  • Image size: 5-5/8 x 3-13/16  inches.
  • This artwork can easily be matted and framed to fit any space.
  • Edition Size: 250 with 25 signed and numbered artist proofs.
  • American woman artist, Patricia Buckley Moss.


Image size: 5-5/8 x 3-13/16 inches.


Additional information


P. Buckley Moss


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Limited Edition, Numbered Edition, Giclee



Edition Size




Aqua, Ash Gray, Baby Pink, Black, Charcoal Grey, Coral Pink, Dove Gray, Lavender, Pearl White, Rose, Sunshine Yellow, Yellow Green, Orange



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