“Black Cat Ball” by P. Buckley Moss is a charming limited edition print that features a group of playful black cats lounging and playing around a bright orange pumpkin. The whimsical scene captures the joy and mischief of cats, set against the backdrop of fall’s most iconic symbol, the pumpkin. Moss’s folk-art style brings a sense of lightheartedness to the print, making it an excellent choice for Halloween or autumn-inspired decor. The contrast between the sleek black cats and the vibrant pumpkin creates a visually striking piece that is sure to bring smiles to anyone who sees it.
Ideal for cat lovers or anyone who enjoys the playful side of Halloween, “Black Cat Ball” is a fun addition to living rooms, kitchens, or entryways during the fall season. It also makes a wonderful gift for those who love whimsical, seasonal art.
Includes a Certificate of Authenticity. (See FAQs)
Image Size: 5 x 5-7/16 inches.
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